Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles
Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
e-mail: desiatnik_pavel@mail.ru
Topicality of stability and controllability characteristics selecting methods development, when employing rudder control, is caused by a number of incidents stipulated by the directional control channel drawbacks. An aircraft controllability in directional channel is completely defined by its dynamic characteristics, sensitivity and control efficiency characteristics, as well as by the characteristics defining yaw/roll motion interaction.
The paper considers earlier developed aircraft controllability criteria in directional control channel and analyzes them from the viewpoint of applicability to modern passenger plane with advanced automation.
One of the issues tackled in the paper consists in ensuring aircraft reasonable dynamic characteristics. All existing regulatory documents usually place demands on dynamic characteristics from the viewpoint of ensuring enough response speed in aircraft control channel. However, earlier studies revealed that unreasonably high response speed could become the reason of aircraft so-called «sharp response» on pilots effort. Thus, the requirements to should have upper bound. The paper presents the technique of criterion parameter determination, allowing determine an aircraft inclination to sharp response occurrence and the ways to its elimination by relevant selection of control system characteristics.
For modern aircraft with V-shaped wing and engines mounted on pylons, parameter, defining aircraft directional and lateral motions interaction, may attain rather high values. Automation introduction allows decrease this value, so that its equivalent value, i. e. the value with account for automation operation achieves an optimal value. The paper presents control system parameters selection technique ensuring optimal yaw/roll motion interaction.
The authors envisage two criteria to determine optimal control sensitivity. One criterion allows estimate sensitivity optimality in time domain, and the other in frequency domain. Both criteria give the same accuracy of the obtained results. The paper presents detailed technique for optimality evaluation of rudder control sensitivity in relation to aircraft dynamic characteristics and control stick loading characteristics.
The developed criteria give physical vindication of directional control channel characteristics optimality. They can be applied not only for preliminary selection of characteristics in directional control channel and ways of their realization on modern highly automated aircraft, but also for evaluation of mounted on the in-service aircraft.
control characteristic, highly automated aircraft, directional channel, control sensitivityReferences
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