Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
1*, 2**1. Company «Salute», Moskovskoe shosse, 20 km, set. Mekhzavod, Samara, 443028, Russia
2. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
*e-mail: glebbelov@mail.ru
**e-mail: sdm-63@bk.ru
Aerospace hydraulic systems generate pressure and flow-rate oscillations in the course of their operation, which in its turn leads to vibrations and noise level increase.
Thus, the problems of the study can be formulated as follows:
Development of a model of hydrodynamic processes in gear-type pump, accounting for dynamic processes in a locked volume, two-phase nature and pressure oscillations of the working substance.
Balancing grooves profile in gear-type pump front foot bearing design, allowing working substance overpressure in the locked volume.
Determine experimentally the effectiveness of design procedures on the improvement of gear-type pump dynamic characteristics.
The authors realized numeric model with allowance for the two-phase nature of the flow and the pump's design features using programming language Delphi. Computations allowed obtain the fuel consumption patterns at the input and output of the pump, as well as cavitation phenomenon in the locked volume. Based on computation results, a technique for balancing grooves in front foot bearing was developed.
The effectiveness of such changes in construction was demonstrated experimentally at the Institute of Machine Acoustics. Using scada system LMS Mobile the authors fixated reduction of vibration, pressure oscillations and noise for NMSh-5-25-4 pump.
Thus, all the planned tasks of the research were fulfilled.
The results of this work were implemented at Wroclaw technical university (Wroclaw, Poland) and Institute of Machine Acoustics (Samara, Russia).
pressure pulsations, dynamic loading, cavitation processes, locked volume, balancing groove, leakagesReferences
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