Studying an atomizer for rain imitation while aircraft engines certification

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Guryanov A. I., Kalinina K. L.*

Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia



The purpose of the study is creating an atomizer for aircraft engines testing while ingress of rain, as well as checking the sample for conformity to the standard requirements for testing facilities adopted for aircraft engines' certification.

The review of fluid spraying problems and methods, which formed the grounds for further selection of the liquid spraying scheme, was performed in this research work. The paper presents the description of the technique for the pursuance of the pilot studies of the atomizer with determination of the parameters such as flow coefficient; water distribution irregularity ratio; rooted angle of a drip stream and drops distribution over the diameter with computation of the average median diameter. It presents also the scheme of installation for complex study of a water drip stream characteristics.

Experimental studies of atomizer prototype models were performed according to the above said technique for the purpose of increase integral parameters of the efficiency, as well as compliance check of range of drops diameters from 0.5·10-3 to 7·10-3 m, and the value of average median diameter of 2.66·10-3.

The tests allowed revealing the relationship between the geometric characteristics of atomizers and drip flows being obtained. Development of the most suitable prototype of atomizer allowed obtain the drops within the certification range with average median diameter of 2,656·10-3 m.

The results of the work are as follows: the problems of rain imitation were analyzed, the technique for the atomizer testing was developed, and the atomizer design was offered and substantiated. Experimental studies of parameters of the above said atomizer were performed design, and its conformity to certification requirements was confirmed.


inverse problem, median diameter, droplets spectrum, two-phase flow


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