Testability management while an object operation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Ground complexes, launching equipment, flying vehicle operation


Pisarenko V. N.

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

e-mail: viktornpisarenko@gmail.com


Foreign-made aircraft (AC) ingress to domestic civil aviation airlines revealed a number of significant challenges, including the testability provision (abbreviated Tst). We will denote testability management hereafter by FTsbl symbol with Tstblt subscript. An ill-considered implementation of foreign-made components in aviation transportation system of Russia without comprehensive accounting for operation and maintenance factors leads to above-level downtime of cost intensive aerotechnics, and upset of calculated value of an aircraft testability. At present, revealing assessments and factors of testability management, gains special topicality and requires comprehensive analysis. Many scientists in Russia, including V.S. Shapkin, N. Gipich, .G. Evdokimov, A. Stepanov, V. Viktorova and abroad, including Douglas, T. Ross, studied testability as the means of equipment failure-free operation provision through its whole life cycle. However, the studies of testability provision while operation are insufficient. The testability management system is being reduced to compliance with the State Standard 27518-87 “Products diagnosis”, i. e. to totality of coordinating activities on management state, as a part of general enterprise management. These activities are not oriented with respect to testability while operation. They are fulfilled without adequate theoretical development on substantiating the required acceptable testability level of object under operation and control action. It does not achieve the desired goal since functional dependencies of testability management, controlled parameters and acceptable limits of testability parameters variation of controlled products are not substantiated theoretically.

The objective of this article consists in studying the possibility of testability management while operation and developing mathematical model of testability management of an object on the example of testability management of aerotechnics.

The article describes the testability as a function of the monitored object under operation. It presents description of testability computation models and algorithms. Based on the theory of optimal processes and Pontryagin's maximum principle the mathematical model of the function test was studied. A mathematical model of an operated object testability management on the example of aerotechnics. This model is based on measuring indices and parameters of operation, processing of the obtained data, analyzing and developing control action on the operated object.

A mathematical model of controlled object under operation testability on the example of aviation technology, based on the measurement of parameters and operating parameters, the processing of this data analysis and generation of control action on the object of exploitation. An approach to testability management of an object under operation was deduced.


testability, diagnostics, indicators, control, function, full control, control exhaustiveness, control exhaustiveness, failures types and consequences analysis


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