Developing of an electromechanical actuator of the higher reliability with redundancy

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

Machine science, drive systems and machinery


Abdulin R. R.1*, Zudilin A. S.1**, Obolensky Y. G.***, Rozhnin N. B.2****, Samsonovich S. L.2*****, Stitsenko A. N.1******

1. Company Avionica, 7, Obraztsova str., Moscow, 127055, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Popular in recent decades concepts of an “all-electric aircraft” and “more-electric aircraft” assume full or partial replacement of centralized hydraulic systems by centralized electrical systems, and hence application electromechanical and electro-hydrostatic actuators alongside with electrohydraulic steering actuators. In the aircraft of the abovementioned class of the nearest perspective, the electric actuators with hydrostatic transmission are more applicable for the main steering surfaces controll. It is associated with higher indicators of wear resistance and non-failure operation of hydraulic cylinders. Electromechanical actuators application for these purposes is constrained by their insufficient reliability.

The article proposes solutions aimed at increasing the reliability of electromechanical actuators by both element-by-element and structural redundancy. An obligatory element of an electromechanical actuator optimized for weight and size indicators is a mechanical gearbox, which can wedge while operation. Multichannel electromechanical actuators can be constructed by one of the considered schemes, free of gearbox wedging. According to these schemes, each actuator channel must contain a motor shaft locking clutch, employed in case of a channel failure, and while channels serial operation as well. Alternative option are the schemes, requiring employing of clutches splintering the faulty channel off the common load – the steering surface. Such clutches should have reliability indices higher, than those required for an actuator all-in-all. The authors propose to construct them based on low power electromechanical actuators with redundancy.

Based on the comparative analysis results of the schemes options for constructing an electromechanical steering actuator with redundancy, three basic schemes were defined for which the preliminary failure rates were calculated.

The results of calculations allow us to consider the basic schemes of a electromechanical actuator with redundancy as an alternative to electro-hydrostatic steering actuators for a primary flight control system.


electromechanical actuator, redundancy, actuating device, failure rate


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