Development of prospective multipurpose convertiplane

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Miodushevskii P. V., Legovich Y. S.*

V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, 65, Profsoyuznaya str., Moscow, 117997, Russia



Domestic and foreign helicopter building development in the last century opened prospects for convertiplanes application as transportation means for carrying cargoes of considerable weight over the vast territory in conditions of deficiency of the advanced airfield net. Convertiplane is capable of performing vertical take-off and vertical landing. However, convertiplane can ensure significant fuel or electric energy saving while horizontal flight compared to the helicopter of the same weight. Aviation history knows two successful practically realized convertiplane projects. The first project was Canadair CL-84. The second project was the US V-22 Osprey military transport convertiplane. Aero-mechanical schemes of both Canadair CL-84 and V-22 have significant disadvantages. The presented work offers an original convertiplane aero-mechanical scheme, eliminating these disadvantages.

The article lays out the results of studying characteristics of the developed multi-purpose convertiplane, possessing conceptually new aero-mechanical scheme. Various options of the multi-purpose convertiplane, such as ten seats passenger plane, special plane for rescue missions and ambulance, light unmanned convertiplane with high flight duration are considered. Technical characteristics of convertiplane were determined based on the developed technique of preliminary design employing computations of aero-mechanics, aerodynamics, structural strength, weights and centring, as well as comparing the results with the well-known calculation methods.

The results of the studies revealed that among all realization options the offered multi-purpose convertiplane configuration allows achieve higher characteristics, than those of conventional aerial vehicles.The article demonstrates that the existing technical state-of-the-art level allows developing a light multi-purpose convertiplane.

Convertiplane gains its significant advantages through the new turbo-electric power plant, where the last achievements of developing light and powerful electric generators and motors with high power to weight ratio values is employed.


convertiplane, aeromechanic scheme, multi-purpose aircraft configuration, flight duration, unmanned convertiplane


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