Experimental study of gte lubricating system oil-air mixture properties

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Gulienko A. I.*, Schurovskiy Y. M.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia

*e-mail: goulienko-contrl@ciam.ru
**e-mail: shchurovsky@ciam.ru


Lubricating system of the gas turbine engine rotor supports in many ways determines its operation reliability. The experience in developing aircraft GTEs lubricating systems accumulated by many manufacturers is associated with predominant employing of empirical and experimental techniques, and is not practically covered in literature. As a rule, the lubrication systems characteristics are being determined while operating with pure oil, and their recalculation onto the two-phase mixture may lead to overpower of the driving pumps motors and, as consequence, to their weight increase.

The article presents the analysis of the properties of two-phase mixtures pumped through the unit of the aircraft GTE lubrication system based on experimental data. This data was obtained at CIAM with the test bench for semi-natural simulation of lubrication system with oil chamber imitation, and installation for fine-dispersed oil-air mixture forming, where the mixture is formed by the air entrainment effect.

Using the results of oil-air mixture flow visualization, the article shows that in the area of the GTE lubrication systems operating modes the mixture may be considered as one-component homogenous media, possessing the properties of elastic continuum with homogenous sound velocity.

While air entering the exhausting duct the two-component flow of oil-air mixture and air-oil bubbles, clogging the pipe cross section and move relative to the oil-air mixture at low speed is formed.

Characteristics of a discharge gear pump, pumping the oil-air mixture, are affected not only by air and oil properties, but also by the structure formed by the pump throughput capacity.

It has been shown that in GTE lubrication systems a mode of emptying the exhaust gear pump inlet branch may occur with the possible realization of the stratified flow structure, as well as a dynamic locking mode in which a pulsating flow is formed with density waves forming and a polyharmonic fluctuations excitation in the system. Based on the experimental data, the air-oil mixture flow modes map was compiled.

The paper presents the relationships by which give possibility to calculate the thermo-physical properties of the two-phase mixture pumped in the tracts of the GTE lubrication systems. This approach showed good agreement of calculations with experiments in the lubrication system static and transient operation modes.


lubrication system, oil-air mixture, flow modes map


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