Metallurgy and Material Science
Metal science and thermal processing of metals and alloys
*, , , **,All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials. State Research Center of the Russian Federation, 17, Radio str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
*e-mail: antipovvv@viam.ru
**e-mail: PaninPaV@yandex.ru
The results of original research on cast structure and properties of a new high-temperature intermetallic gamma alloy Ti-45.5Al-2V-1Nb-1.5Zr(Cr)-Gd-B developed in VIAM [patent RU 2606368] have been discussed. A solidification temperature interval has been determined for the new alloy: solidus temperature 1471°C, liquidus temperature of 1528°C. The pouring gate system has been designed with the help of ProCast software taking into account centrifugal casting technique which provides both full mould filling with molten metal and absence of metallurgical defects in low pressure turbine blade castings. The research was focused on the effect of temperature and duration parameters of centrifugal casting on macro- and microstructures of shaped castings obtained in induction skull ALD Leicomelt 5 furnace. The X-ray spectral microanalysis has revealed that the samples matrix consists of alternating γ -TiAl and α2-Ti3Al lamellae; there are areas with lower aluminum content and higher content of vanadium and zirconium/chromium; also excess phases enriched with gadolinium and oxygen have been found (complex gadolinium oxides). Microstructure analysis after hot isostatic pressing has shown that plate-like morphology of structure doesn't change: alternating lamellae of γ and α2 phases are gathered into colonies within prior β(α) grains with small amounts of β phase along grain boundaries (the plates possess similar geometrical orientation within each lamellae colony). It has been shown that structure homogeneity of castings strongly depends on pre-heating temperature of casting moulds. As the experiment has revealed the optimal pre-heating temperature of casting moulds for the new alloy falls in the interval 750850°C. The research results have given the opportunity to develop casting and heat treatment processes which allowed to obtain defect-free shaped castings of turbine blades for aviation jet engines.
intermetallic compounds, titanium aluminide TiAl, gamma alloy, centrifugal casting, shaped castings, castings microstructure, turbine bladesReferences
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