Analysis of modern evaluation and modeling methods of contingencies occurrence risks onboard a spacecraft

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Donskov A. V.



The purpose of the article consists in analysis of modern evaluation and modelling methods of contingencies occurrence onboard a spacecraft and substantiation of methods selection for their subsequent application in the process of operative flight control. The process of the aircraft flight control while contingencies occurrence onboard a spacecraft (time limitation for the decision making on contingencies parrying and their type, high dynamics of the processes flow, multicriteriality of the spacecraft current state, the presence of sources of uncertainty) was studied. The inference was drawn, that all considered methods of the onboard contingencies risks evaluation and modelling were not exhaustive. Depending of the current situation, any of the considered methods and on account of the problems being solved could be employed for the contingency risk occurrence onboard a spacecraft evaluation and modelling. The accumulated experience of flight control in manned astronautics revealed that the most interest was provoked by those methods of contingencies risks evaluation and modelling, which reflect the ways of their evolution and aftermath. The selection of the contingencies occurrence risks onboard a spacecraft methods (logic-linguistic and theory of fuzzy sets) is being substantiated by the fact that it allows develop scenarios of the contingencies occurrence onboard a spacecraft and prepare initial data for the decision making on contingencies parrying in case of uncertainty. Methods of contingencies occurrence risks onboard a spacecraft considered in the article may be implemented as tools both in the systems for decision making support on contingencies onboard a spacecraft parrying and in expert systems.


spacecraft, risk, risks modelling, state analysis, flight, spacecraft flight control, contingency


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