Buckling of stepped beams

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles


Erkov A. P.

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company, SCAC, 26, Leninskaya Sloboda str, Moscow, 115280, Russia

e-mail: ap.erkov@yandex.ru


The article discusses the problems of stability of two types of beams of variable stiffness: with a stepped change in cross section with two zones and with a step change in section with three zones. Simply supported boundary conditions at two ends are considered, as well as with embedding at one end and with a free second end. Beams of isotropic material and of the laminated composites are discussed.

To study the stability of beams of variable stiffness, the Ritz method was used. Beams with the ratio of the maximum and minimum flexural rigidity in the zones does not exceed 8 are considered, since in practice the ratio greater than 8, as a rule, is not applied. Analytical expressions for determining the critical force are obtained. The calculation results and their verification are given.

The results of analytical calculations were compared with the results obtained by the finite element method (MSC.Nastran / MSC.Patran). Based on a comparative analysis, graphs of the error of analytical solutions (relative to the solution obtained by the finite element method) were constructed. To minimize the error of analytical equations, a correction factor was introduced.

The study showed that the equations applicable for calculating the critical force of isotropic beams are also applicable to composite beams. Correction factors obtained for isotropic beams are also applicable to composite beams.

In addition to assessing the accuracy of analytical equations for the critical force, the influence of local effects in the area of the junction of zones with different flexural rigidity is investigated. In practice, the Bernoulli hypothesis does not work in the junction area of the zones, which has some influence on the magnitude of the critical force.

Results of investigation:

- Analytical equations were obtained for determining the critical force for two types of beams of variable stiffness with two types of boundary conditions;

- The accuracy of analytical equations was investigated. A correction factor was introduced, which allows to obtain a more accurate result for the critical force;

- The technique can be applied to other types of beams of variable stiffness and other boundary conditions not considered in this paper;

- The resulting analytical expressions are easy to automate. For this suit, for example, Microsoft Excel can be used.


Ritz method, critical force, stability of beams, beams of variable cross section, composite beams, stability of beams of variable stiffness, beams of variable stiffness


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