The Study of Structural-Power Schemes of Aerodynamic Models

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Nguyen V. N.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia



Tests of geometrically congruent models in wind tunnels are conducted as a rule for experimental studies of aerodynamic characteristics while and airplane design. However, computational and experimental studies reveal that these models cannot be made absolutely rigid. At high ram pressures, even steel models are subjected to elastic deformations, which, due to the elastic twist of the lifting surfaces, may significantly distort the test results. The main elasticity impact on the manifests itself herewith for a modern mainline aircraft wing model aerodynamic characteristics through the streamwise twist, and the impact of other bucklings can usually be neglected. The studies of the “rigid” aerodynamic models elastic deformations dependence on their geometric and structural parameters demonstrate that minimization of the streamwise twist angles requires considering modifications of the model structural-power scheme in two aspects: 1) changing relative position of the line of pressure centers and stiffness axis; 2) reducing torsional stiffness. The author created a technique for studying dependence of rigid aerodynamic models deformation on their geometric and structural parameters to elaborate requirements for stiffness characteristics of the model, and determine rational modifications of the load-carrying structure, allowing minimizing the streamwise twist angle for various layouts and flow-around modes. Computations of aerodynamic loads and elastic deformations were performed with NASTRAN software by the beam theory approximation. The stiffness characteristics of the wing sections were iteratively computed by the WingDesign program developed on the basis of the hydrodynamic analogy method. The computational studies results denote that the developed computation technique allows minimizing the angles of the streamwise twist angles of the mainline aircraft model wing under the test conditions in a wind tunnel and significantly reducing the error in determining its aerodynamic characteristics by rational modifications of the structural-power scheme of the model. It seems worthwhile to confirm experimentally in the further activities on this subject technological feasibility of the model structure modifications being considered.


aerodynamic model, structural-power scheme, beam schematization, aerodynamic characteristics, stiffness, streamwise twist angle, elastic deformations


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