Numerical Studies on the Flow-Through Channel Shape Selection for the Engine Nacelle of a Long-Haul Aircraft Aerodynamic Model

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Novogorodtsev E. V.*, Savel’ev A. A., Dugin D. I.**, Krutov A. A.***, Matyash E. S., Pigusov E. A.****

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



A turbofan running in the layout with the aircraft airframe affects significantly its aerodynamics. However, full-fledged modeling of a jet stream from the engine nozzles while conducting experimental studies of the aircraft model flow-around in the wind tunnels does not seem possible. As a rule, the engine on the model is represented while experiments conducting in the form of the so-called flow-through engine nacelle. The purpose of the presented study consists in selecting the flow-through engine nacelle shape for the aerodynamic model of a long-haul aircraft, for which aerodynamic characteristics of the said model would be the most close to the long-haul aircraft aerodynamic characteristics under the flight conditions with running bypass turbofan.

Selection is being performed by comparing numerical modeling results of the long-haul aircraft flow-around at the cruising flight mode with the engine modeling by the “active disk” method with results of the aircraft, equipped with various options of flow-through engine nacelles, flow-around modeling. Numerical modeling was being accomplished based on the RANS-SST approach. The lift coefficient Cyа, the drag coefficient Cxа, the total aerodynamic quality K and the coefficient of the air flow rate through the control cross-section of the engine nacelle f, were being computed by the numerical modeling results.

The results of the aircraft flow-around numerical modeling together with the running engine revealed the flow acceleration occurrence at the lower wing surface up to M ≈ 1.4 in the area of the flow narrowing between the lower wing surface, pylon side surfaces and the streamline surface of the high-pressure jet, flowing from the secondary flow nozzle. The said areas are being characterized by the static pressure fall and the presence of the terminal shock waves, which leads to the lift coefficients Cya degradation and growth of the drag coefficients Cxa.

The presented research studied four different options of the flow-through engine nacelles. The numerical studies results allowed revealing that the lack of jet ejection out of the fan nozzle modeling leads to augmentation of the Cxа and Cyа coefficients values for all options of the studied nacelles. As the result of the research, two options of the flow-through engine nacelles, ensuring aerodynamic characteristics of a long-haul aircraft under cruise flight conditions closest to the ones of an aircraft with running turbofan, were developed. The discrepancy between the values of the Cxа and Cyа coefficients obtained for a long-haul aircraft equipped with these flow-through nacelles compared to the computational fluid dynamics results with the jet ejection modeling is about 5%, and the values of aerodynamic quality K differ by less than 1%.


long-haul aircraft power plant flow-around numerical modeling, long-haul aircraft power plant engine nacelle, bypass turboprop engine, aerodynamic external drag factor, lift coefficient, total aerodynamic quality, long-haul aircraft


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