Special features of the dynamic behavior of nonliner systems with the finite number of degrees of freedom

Computer Science and Control


Moiseev K. A.1*, Panov Y. N.2**

1. Peter the Great Strategic Missile Troops Academy, 17, Brigadnaya str., Serpukhov, Moscow region, 142210, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: moiseev.1946@bk.ru
**e-mail: gi@mai.ru


Are given the results of investigating the system with two steps of freedom with the nonlinear elastic constraints, carried out on the basis of the energy method of determining the resonance frequencies and the being differed significantly from traditional ideas about the dynamic behavior of this type systems.


nonlinear system with the finite number of degrees of freedom, nonlinear elastic constraints, resonance frequency, kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy, the phase the shift.

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