Mechatronic module design methods for the correction systems of the aerial vehicle rotating about its longitudinal axis

Aircraft Engineering


Goriachev O. V.*, Efromeev A. G.**, Minchuk S. V.***

Tula State University, TulGU, 92, Lenin av., Tula, 300012, Russia




The main goal of missile modernization is to increase their efficiency.


Novel flight trajectory correction system design techniques of ground-launched and air-launched unguided missiles are described. The proposed approaches are based on mathematical BLDC motor models which obtained with magnetic field calculation by the finite element method.


The developed control system of the air-launched missiles includes the correction filter with the algorithm based on current and temperature of the motor windings. The created control system of the ground-launched missiles includes the observer and the non-linear correction filter for compensation of the influence of the transport delay in the navigation system.


Mechatronic units design techniques for trajectory correction systems for ground-based and air-based rotating unguided missiles are offered. The forced operating mode of the drive and delays of feedback signals are considered in these techniques.


The offered techniques dont allow to design long operating mode systems and systems with actuator other than BLDC motor. Also these techniques dont allow to design drive for trajectory correction systems for roll-stabilized missiles.


aerial vehicle rotating about its longitudinal axis, Brushless DC motor, Forced operation, Quasi optimal control


  1. Minchuk S.V., Goryachev O.V. Mekhatronika, avtomatizatsiya, upravlenie, 2011, no.10, pp. 16-20.
  2. Goryachev O.V., Efromeev A.G., Minchuk S.V. Izvestiya TulGU, Tekhnicheskie nauki, 2011, release 5, part 1, pp. 114-118. — informational site of MAI

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