On-line high speed flying vehicle aerodynamics performance identification


Sypalo K. I.*, Podogova A. A.**

National Research Center "Zhukovsky Institut", 1, Zhukovsky str, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia

*e-mail: sypalo_ki@nrczh.ru
**e-mail: tivaya@yandex.ru



It is known, that the statistical uncertainty of the high speed vehicle aerodynamic coefficients due to wind-tunnel test complexity can be significant. In fact this uncertainty can reach value of 40 percents from nominal one. As the result there is necessity to identify these coefficients during the flight, i.e. on-line. Practically, such opportunity is arising only at the passive flight stage. High speed vehicle basic aerodynamics performance on-line identification algorithm is under consideration.


This identification algorithm is utilized at vehicle passive flight stage and it is operating simultaneously with onboard navigation system, which generates extended phase vector components estimations The main specific feature of suggested onboard integrated system architecture consists in so called series-parallel operation of both navigation and identification algorithms. More detail, estimation of extended phase vector one considers as prior data for identification algorithm, which processes data of inertial sensors, attack angle sensor, as well as air speed sensor. The output of identification algorithm is estimation of the vehicle aerodynamic coefficients vector, which is used later on for both trajectory and attitude control systems operation.

Brief overview of the research procedure

Mathematical simulation is used for suggested algorithms accuracy estimation. The specific software complex has been developed for such simulation performing. Measurement errors, as well as prior aerodynamic coefficients uncertainty have been considered as uncontrollable factors.


Analysis of the simulation results demonstrates the opportunity to reduce prior coefficient uncertainty from 30 percents till to 10-12 percents, applying to both drug and lift forces coefficients, and from 30 percents till to 20 percents applying to aerodynamic moment coefficients.

Practical implications

Result obtained can be utilized by high speed vehicle onboard integrated navigation & control system design and development.


onboard integrated navigation system, high speed flying vehicle, aerodynamic performances identification, passive flight


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