Methodical approach to the assessment of efficiency of the russian federation state program realization «Development of the aviation industry for 2013-2025»


Manturov D. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Conservation status for Russia in world aviation power requires a change of strategic planning development of the aviation industry for the long term. In this context, the year 2013 is implemented by the Russian Federation State program «development of the aeronautical industry to 2013-2025 years.» The main objectives of the programme are: to upgrade civil aviation aircraft fleet to ensure transport availability throughout the country; maintaining research, industrial-technolo Maintaining the status of the world aviation power for Russia requires a change of strategic planning development of the aviation industry in a long term perspective. The Russian Federation State program «Development of the aeronautical industry in 2013-2025 years» was first implemented in 2013. The main objectives of the program are: to upgrade civil aviation aircraft fleet in order to ensure transport availability throughout the country; to maintain research, industrial-technological and human capacities, quality of domestic aviation at the level of its competitiveness on the world market; development of international cooperation and increased presence of domestic aviation organizations in aeronautical engineering and aviation services.

The main objective of achieving these goals is to address the following organizational-economic tasks: to include the establishment of the world-class corporations in key segments of the aviation industry; establishment of science and technology stock that provides global leadership in aviation technology; promotion of domestic aircraft on domestic and foreign markets, the localization of production of aviation products of leading foreign companies and import substitution, get access to advanced foreign technologies.

Effective realization of the State program is only possible when the economic mechanism of the program activities are generated, which will provide a concentration of financial resources on the most important areas of the aircraft, its engines, their parts, components and devices, avionics equipment, air traffic control systems. The efficiency of use of financial resources should be determined by the results of the systematic monitoring of specific indicators and indicators of program implementation as a whole as well as its subprograms.


aviation industry, the state program, realization, indicators of an assessment of efficiency


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  4. Manturov D.V., Kalachanov V.D. Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta, 2012, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 186-192. — informational site of MAI

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