Some peculiarities of the market environment of the military-industrial complex for the russian aircraft manufacturers

Economics and management


Golubev S. I.

Moscow representative office of Briggs&Stratton AG, 17, Vereiskaya Str., Moscow, 121357, Russia



The article is touching the theoretical foundations of strategic management, suitable concept of competitive strategy of the military-industrial complex (MIC) of the Russian Federation and the practical basis for its implementation. The most preferred core competitive strategy for the MIC of the Russian Federation should considered differentiation. The defining feature of the defense industry products competitiveness is innovation, which, in turn, relies on the ability of the productive forces to implement in the product develop improvements, including, above all, technical innovations related to the technical level of the product.
The concept of differentiation is supported by the whole design process, which is targeted to the ability of the aircraft (AC) to perform exclusive operational needs. This ability is the core competitiveness of the AC.
The competitiveness of a manufacture in the article is understood as an ability to produce products and services that better meet demands and needs of potential and existing customers compared to competitors offerings.
Strategy of manufactures working in the area of MIC is considered within framework of Porters models of Five competitive forces and Base strategies that are leadership in costs and expenses, differentiation and focus on narrow segment of the market. The differentiation should be considered most appropriate based strategy for aircraft manufactures of Russian MIC. Supporting this idea the article suggests several practical steps in the areas of integration of science, education and
manufacturing companies improving competitiveness of new aircrafts; social influence; and tasks of strategic management at MIC enterprises.


competitive strategy, aircrafts, military industrial complex, competitive advantages, innovation productive forces


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