Performance analysis of optical micro electromechanical angular velocity sensor

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Aeronautical engineering


Busurin V. I.*, Kazaryan A. V.1**, Pham A. T.2***

1. Central Research Institute of Technology “Technomash”, 4, Str. Ivan Franco, Moscow, 121108, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article describes optical micro electromechanical(MOEM) angular velocity transducer, representing a solid-state device having vibration console, with the ability to deviate. This transducer allows determine magnitude and direction of angular velocity by using Coriolis force effect and optical information reading. Coriolis force is acting on the piezoceramic sensitivity element during rotation of the MOEM transducer, causing its deviation over the axis, positioned on vibration plane and directed perpendicular to the plane along the longitudinal axis of the console.

Material and dimensions of sensitive piezoelectric element (SE) should be such that the resulting deflection of its parts does not exceed hundreds of nanometers. The highly sensitive optoelectronic circuit for information retrieval about angular velocity with the purpose of obtaining more accurate information should be herewith based on optical tunneling effect (OTE), allowing fixation of a small measured displacements.

The structural model of uniaxial MOEM angular velocity transducer is described. The impact of the Coriolis force on SE is calculated depending on various design parameters and piezoelectric materials. For a SE in the form of a plate deflection has no strong dependence upon the temperature, and vibration element longitudinal oscillations amplitude linearly depends on the coordinate along the longitudinal axis and exciting AC voltage.

Simulation results showed that numerical values of the deviations can be obtained within the range of several hundred nanometers, which corresponds to the value of the optical radiation wavelength. Thus, angular velocity transducer can be designed on the basis of optical tunneling effect, which provides greater sensitivity when measuring small angular velocity.

The above characteristics analysis shows that the material with the brand ZTC-19 having larger piezoelectric module and higher stability within the working range of temperatures and pressures, can be used in MOEM angular velocity transducer based on OTE.

We examined characteristics of the transducer, using SE with additional mass to improve its sensitivity. With structural dimensions decreasing it is necessary herewith to increase the value of additional mass to provide greater sensitivity for measuring small angular velocities.

With the same sizes and materials introduction of additional mass m = 5·106 kg, SE end deviation under the influence of the measured angular velocity will be 1,5 µ m, which is hundred times greater than in the case without the additional mass m. It also provides the possibility of organizing an optical information reading by means of optical tunneling.


: transducer, piezoceramic, optical micro electromechanical systems, optical tunneling effect, conversion function


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