The synthesis of the robust stabilization system of cable tension for the test bench of weightlessness simulation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Rocket and space engineering


Gayvoronskii S. A.*, Ezangina T. A.**

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, TPU, 30, Lenina av., Tomsk, 634050, Russia



The issue concerning the design of the stabilization system of cable tensionis being solved in the given work.

On the basis of the conducted study and review of the similar systems the structure of the stabilization system of cable tension was suggested. This system is electromechanical two mass elastic flexible system with the interval parameters. The length of the cable and the mass of the apparatus under test are considered as theinterval parameters. For the given system the mathematical model was developed and the control and disturbance transfer functions were obtained.

On the basis of the application of the robust approach to the synthesis of the system under consideration the methodology of the definition of the robust regulator adjustment ensuring the tolerable quality coefficient of the system operation at any values of its interval parameters was developed. The criterion of the maximum stability degree was used as one of the criteria of the robust regulator synthesis being the most relevant for the development of the system with unstable parameters. To apply the mentioned above criterion it is suggested to use the sufficient conditions of the specified stability degree of the interval system by the limitation on its oscillation and accuracy. The specified conditions can be represented as the inequality systems binding the interval coefficients of the characteristic polynomial and its coefficient quality indices (stability and oscillation parameters).

From the obtained interval values those parameters are only chosen which ensure the maximum stability degree and minimum oscillation. To check and test the obtained results the areas of root locus of the interval characteristic polynomial are being constructed.

The simulation modeling of the synthesized control system of cable tension in the Simulink package is carried out to assess the operability of the developed methodology of the synthesis of the robust regulator. The obtained transient characteristics under the worst modes of operations confirm the accuracy and validity of the selected solutions.

Software was developed to put into practice the methodology of the synthesis of the robust regulator. This software allowsin on-line mode to make calculations of the desired parameters of the robust regulator with maximum stability degree of the system by its oscillation degree limitation.

The results of the scientific investigation obtained in the given article can be used at aerospace industrial plants.


stabilization system, interval parameters, the synthesis of robust controller, the maximum degree of stability, the degree of oscillation.


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