Experimental study of the electric field impact on the combustion products of a kerosene-air mixture speed

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Kolodyazhnyi D. Y.1, Nagornyi V. S.2*

1. United shipbuilding Corporation, 90, Marata str., St. Petersburg, 191119, Russia
2. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia

*e-mail: nagorny.vladim@yandex.ru


The intensive studies are carried out on developing high-speed transportation vehicles, providing high level of environmental security, as well as higher energy efficiency of aircraft engines by means of fuel spraying and kerosene-air mixture combustion enhancement in aircraft engines. To improve the fuel spraying and fuel-air mixture combustion quality we suggest to use properly formed electrical fields in nozzle fuel supply contours. We considered for the first time the AC electric field of varying frequency impact on chemical composition of combustion products at the combustion-chamber outlet when using aviation kerosene TC-1 as a fuel. Moreover, we presented for the first time the experimental results of the of the AC electric field of varying frequency impact on the velocity of combustion products of air-fuel mixture.

Combustion products velocity measurement at the outlet of combustion chamber test model was carried out using the test bench at SGAU (Samara state Aviation Institute).

Electric field impact on the of combustion products of air-fuel mixture (kerosene) experimental research technique

The experimental velocity measurement of combustion products of an air-fuel mixture technique was developed at Samara State Aviation Institute and taken as a basis of the research on AC electric field impact on combustion products of kerosene-air mixtures velocities.

Employing measurement data, we calculated the gas superficial velocity and mass flow using well-known equations for gas-dynamic functions.

The result of the experiment allowed forming the file in Microsoft Access Data Base format with the possibility of export to Microsoft Excel.

The results of velocity profiles laser-optic measurements using 3D-LDA LAD-056C equipment.

The experimental studies were carried out at Samara State Aviation Institute with single-burner segment of the combustion chamber test model with serial double-contour nozzle of JSC “Klimov” for liquid fuel.

The swirler with blades angle set at φ = 72°10’, transition liner with outer cone diameter of 133 mm, square shape adapter with 180 mm side and basic variant of the mixer zone holes with all holes open were used . TS-1 kerosene was used as a fuel. Low-pressure compressed air was fed at ≤ 0.75 MPa. Solid tracer particles of CH-4 type for laser measurements were used.

When the AC electric field was applied along each diameter to the kerosene flow before its injection into the fuel nozzle the velocity changed to higher and lower values intermittently. Maximum relative decrease of kerosene-air mixture combustion products velocity at the outlet of combustion chamber herein was 2.45%, while maximum relative increase of kerosene-air mixture combustion products velocity at the outlet of combustion chamber in case of applying AC electric field to kerosene flow was 1.42%.


burning, combustion chamber, electric field, kerosene, combustion products, aircraft engine


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