Parachute-jet soft landing system with elastic linkage

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Zhurin S. V.



The article is devoted to theoretical study of the soft parachute-jet landing process. It proposes to use a long elastic linkage to suspend a load to the parachute.

Figura illustrates the operation of the parachute-jet landing system with elastic linkage. The engine thrust in the case of a hard suspension is 2.2 times greater than in the case of an elastic suspension.


The results of dimensions analysis for this problem reveal dimensionless groups, describing the process. A simplified mathematical model is built to describe the process of soft parachute-jet landing with an elastic linkage. As a result, of systematic numeric studies a rather simple interrelation between the dimensionless groups was found out. These obtained dependencies can be used for preliminary design.

Implementation of the elastic linkage allows significant reduction (several times) of soft-landing engines thrust. In its turn, it enables reduction of the following negative factors of soft-landing engines operation:

This enables you to reduce the following negative factors operation of the engines of soft landing:

  • Significant vibroacoustic impact on a landing pad and airdropped object itself;

  • Mechanical effect on a landing pad, which may cause its partial destruction;

  • Considerable thermal effect of surrounding objects, which may cause a fire.

Implementation of elastic linkage for parachute-jet landing gives no mass advantage.

Application of the elastic linkage makes it possible to meet more fully the requirement on standardization of the existing parachute-jet soft landing systems with the possibility of continuous (not discrete) adjustment of system parameters to the given mass of an airdropped object.


parachute, parachute-jet system, elastic linkage, soft parachute landing


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