Aircraft engine-building enterprises competitive stability enhancement in modern economic conditions


Tihonov A. I.1*, Kalachanov V. D.2**, Prosvirina N. V.3***

1. ,
2. ,
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article is devoted to the issues of competitive stability of Russian aircraft engine-building enterprises amid rapidly changing market demand. It stresses the necessity to develop a whole number of measures and the aggregate of product and process innovations aimed at quality improvement of output products; expansion of productive activity diversification level; carrying out the restructuring of companies of aircraft engine-building sector; entering world market as suppliers of 2nd-3rd level components; implementation of non-traditional finance-and-economy tools and schemes to provide an enterprises entering the world market as a supplier of competitive aircraft engines.

The pressing problem for national aircraft industry is formation of globally competitive world-class engine- building sector. It is planned to increase budgetary allocations volume for aircraft engine-building at the expense of Federal budget from 1 billion 448 million rubles in 2015 to 3 billion 431 million rubles in 2025. With such a significant financing increase of the sector, the compulsive issue of competitiveness of the enterprises is challenged. This concept means time-phased competitiveness of the aircraft engine-building enterprises. We need to preserve gained competitive advantage as longer as possible, as well as raise a level of intra industrial cooperation. This will require the increase of economic responsibility of all parties for the results of their common labor and achievement of common goals. It will also require intensification of all manufacturing processes and enhancement of individual role of all structural divisions of an enterprise.

The aircraft equipment life cycle is a significant and special component for the competitiveness analysis due to its scope of production and time parameters of implementation. Thus, organization of aircraft equipment competitive production should take these specifics concerning life cycle with allowance for upgrading possibilities, capital and restoring repair with allowance for assigned resource for components, assemblies and aircraft in whole into account. Mandatory elements also are maintenance and technical support as well as service maintenance of products when in use.

Development and advancement of new products of the enterprise of the aircraft engine-building sector should be carried out with emphasis on international cooperation, allowing develop global chains of deliveries of their own and create strategic alliances with other aircraft building market participants, including efforts within the frameworks of core innovation territorial clusters' activities. Global servicing network that will help the companies of this sector to transfer to the full life cycle of the engines management is going to be created.


Aircraft engine, United Engine-Building Corporation, competitiveness, competitive stability, share of the market, investments, demand, product line, restructuring, segment of engines, international cooperation


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