Long haul passenger aircraft competitiveness evaluation model


Opryshko Y. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: opryshko_yuliya@mail.ru


Home producers of civil aerotechnics are not able to enter foreign market and almost ousted from the home market due to severe competition with foreign companies. One of the reasons for the present situation stems from the lack of methodology of civil aerotechnics competitiveness evaluation, which allows objectively determine level of competitiveness and the ways of its increasing.

Research objective — developing of aircraft competitiveness evaluation model, which allows for all basic factors of cost and non-cost character.

Employed methods — analysis methods, deduction and forecasting.

According to our research, the existing approaches are not always effective.

The proposed model searches for competitors, evaluates their advantages and disadvantages, makes a comparison of level of costs and takes into consideration passengers’ judgements. Thus, we evaluate the aircraft competitiveness at the market.

The article motivates the necessity of comparing only the aircrafts with equal levels of both customer service and airworthiness certificates.

The paper proves the necessity of airliners operating costs with minimum cost of flight per one passenger criterion, since only with this criterion gives the possibility to consider all operating costs, ICAO restrictions, differences between aircrafts passenger capacity and course speed.

One cannot use the current price level for calculation of aircraft life span operating costs. We recommend use predictive values for POL price indices; cockpit and cabin crews labor costs, currency courses, airport charges rates etc. Thus, we obtain minimum dynamic flight cost criterion.

With reference to passengers’ preferences, the author means their requirements of flight comfort, personal area, air conditioning quality, low noise level and high cabin pressure.

Aircraft building companies can evaluate the competitiveness of their product using the described technique. The proposed model should be useful for airline executives, while selecting an airliner.


flight cost per one seat, competitiveness evaluation model, regulations ICAO restrictions


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