Correlation-regressive model for small-sized aircraft gas turbine engines mass computation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Filinov E. P.*, Avdeev S. V.**, Krasil'nikov S. A.***

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The article suggests several new correlation-regressive models for the aircraft small-sized gas-turbine engines mass computation at the stage of their conceptual design.

A database of the main data and thermodynamical parameters for mass computation of dual-flow turbojet engines was formed. The database includes 92 small-sized turbojets with the thrust less than 50 kN. Equations allowing compute the engine mass at the initial stage of design were derived by correlation-regressive method based on the accumulated statistics.

Model No. 1 uses the total air flow through the engine as an input parameter. The approximating function coefficients were determined based on 88 turbofan engines. The relative standard deviation value for this model was 25.5%.

Model No. 2 uses engine thrust as an input parameter. The approximating function coefficients were determined based on 92 turbofan engines. The the relative root-mean-square deviation value for this model was 18.6%.

The mass model No. 3 uses three input parameters: engine thrust, overall pressure ratio, by-pass ratio. This model involved 77 turbofan engines. The relative root-mean-square deviation value of this model was 13.4%.

The fourth model uses the total air flow, overall pressure ratio, gas temperature in front of the turbine, bypass ratio for calculating the mass.

Statistical coefficients for this model were determined based on 57 turbofan engines. The relative root-mean-square deviation value for this model was 10.1%.

The Kuzmichev mass model depends on five parameters of the gas turbine engine: Mдв = f (m,πкΣ,Gв,T*г, πв) . The total number of engines used in the statistics was 52. The relative root-mean-square deviation value of this model was 13.5%.

Based on the results obtained, we can draw the following conclusions: at the stage of the gas turbine engine conceptual design, the most preferrable models are model No. 4 and Kuzmichev's model. Models No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, are most preferable for preliminary estimation of the mass of the propulsion system while an aircraft design.


mathematical model, correlation-regressive coefficients, small-sized gas-turbine engine, preliminary mass evaluation, conceptual design stage


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