The studies on optimal shape forming of a turbo-ramjet engine as a part of a high-speed aircraft power plant

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Fokin D. B.*, Selivanov O. D.**, Ezrokhi Y. A.***

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



Recently, the great attention is payed in many countries to the studies aimed at flight cruising speed increase of aircraft of various purposes. The projects aimed at considering the issues creating both passenger (Aerion AS2, QueSST, Sky-lon) and military (SR-72) high-speed aircraft are in full swing abroad.

The similar studies on building-up the flight speed of military planes are carried out in Russia too. Thereupon, the possibility of developing prospective Russian fighter-interceptor based on MiG-31 aircraft, which speed should substantially increased, presents undoubted interest. The same applies to an attack high-speed aircraft of the type of the Soviet T-4 scout bomber, or the US XB-70 “Valkyrie” strategic bomber with maximum flight speed, corresponding Mach number no less than M = 3.

The article presents the results of the study on the power plant optimal shape based on the turbo-ramjet engine with tandem configuration of the high-speed aircraft contours with cruising speed of Mcr = 4.

To solve the stated problem, the software complex consisting of mathematical models of the combined engine, including gas-turbine and direct-flow circuits, supersonic air intake and a full-range jet nozzle, as well as the technique for the aircraft performance characteristic computing. The developed program complex allowed evaluate the efficiency of such combined power plant application as a part of an aircraft with increased cruise speed.

The presented results demonstrated with high obviousness that the effort aimed at the power plant optimal shape formation is most expedient to perform in accordance to the procedure of optimization studies performing, which includes the task setting, the initial data preparation, parametric studies, post-optimization analysis and issuing recommendations.

Parametric optimization with seven parameters and three criteria with goal functions of subsonic and supersonic flight ranges at the optimal altitude, as well as required length of runway for the aborted-continued takeoff, was performed employing the above said approach. The optimization results revealed that the possibility of improving an high-speed aircraft performance relative to the conditionally preliminary basic variant.

Three aircraft options with the highest attractiveness level were selected out of the obtained twenty Pareto-optimal options by the “fuzzy sets” tool. Further final selection of the most expedient one out of these options always up to the development engineer and associated with taking a number of trade-off decisions.


high-speed aircraft, turbo-ramjet engine, the engine mathematical modeling, power plant parameters optimization, performance characteristics, fuzzy sets tools


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