Work process of the earth environments vortex formation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Danilenko N. V.*, Kirenchev A. G.**

Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 139, Sovetskaya str., Irkutsk, 664047, Russia



The present-day science state-of-the-art allowed ensuring qualitative transfer to many branches of not only scientific but to technologic and other types of human activities. New knowledge aroused at the junction of the well-known scientific and technological trends. Though in certain trends of modern science development some so-called “blind-spots” still exist. The theory of vortex formation is an example of such modern science state-of-the-art. Currently the specialists of this scientific trend cannot establish the physical entity of atmospheric gas dynamic specifics of the vortices under the aircraft air intakes, well as the gist of their work process. The closer analogue of such vortices are the atmospheric whirlwinds, which working processes are associated with the Earth daily rotation. However, the capabilities of modern science do not allow establish the work process of the above said problem gas dynamic phenomena. The scientists in the USA and many other countries declare openly that the do not understand tornado – a small-sized vortex of a cyclonic type. In such circumstances, the scientists are compelled to give definitions to whirlwinds, tornadoes and cyclones by the facts of their physical manifestations in the field of visual perception. Such definitions do not contain the boundary conditions, work process elements, and limit their experimental modeling possibilities. The scientists face a great problem of exploring the work process of the Earth environments vortex forming. One of the main tasks of the Earth environments vortex forming research and its product is establishing the vortex characteristics, their corollary and application areas.

The article discloses the work process of the Earth environments vortex formation. It gives the definition of vortex formation, and specifies the product of vortex formation, including vortex field, tornadoes and air intakes vortices. The work process of vortex formation was established. The article presents the Earth vortex filed characteristics and their corollary.

The Coriolis force role in the process of vortex formation of natural and man-made vortexes was revealed. The results of experimental modeling of vortex formation under the air intake with account for the Coriolis force action are presented.


vortex formation, air intakes vortices, jet engine air intake, interference vortices, vortices of Carioles force, the Earth vortex field, vertical characteristics


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